April - 2002
Proud to be Free


VOL II - 18

Friendly Fire












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Past Issues

I was where when

Of course many of you have probably never been to Japan, I have--so there.  While I was there I had the chance to tour many wonderful gardens and had my picture taken like I was smoking a pipe at some intellectual book-club-meeting...

i do say my dear chap..pip pip...cheerio and all that crap

Next stop I went to a local radio station and did some plugs for the HarryMan Show, which is Big in Japan.  I had my picture taken there, also.  It was great fun meeting the people and hearing their passion for the show.  Following custom I brought the station manager a bunch of oranges, he just stared blankly and said thank-you.  Maybe he wants scurvy...


During the end of my promotion trip I went shopping down a street filled with native villagers.  Once there I happened to bump into the one and only Grammy host, the Latin Grammy that is.  So I had my picture taken to document the fact that the street lady was really really freaky...

wow I am touching fake red leather worn by a show host!



Hogan & Me

hey brother thats not my hand bra
Hulk was in Peoria recently so I thought this would be a timely update...

My Mood Today

hey fella, what kinda bird is this!!!













What has been happening with me, you ask?  Why hasn't this site been updated consistently with good updates?  Well I have a reason for you, and here it goes.  I have been preparing to enter into the NBA Draft in June, but more realistically I am getting ready to go away to finish my schooling.