January 2002

Proud to be Free

Game Reviews

Mat Mania Challenge


Ninja Golf

they call this a gift
"I can never get good reception on this crystal"

"Eat your heart out Mark Hamill"

"Hey, wanna see my monument"

Xenodin 2002

Strange Link of the Day


Halle Bop Might Have Been True

Over the years I have seen people come and people go. Some of those people I was the first person waving happily as they trotted away from my life. Others disapear off the face of the earth and you have no idea what happened to them. Those people, those others, are the ones I would like to know what has happened. Did they die, join a cult, or catch that spaceship with Doh? Not that I will lose any sleep or expend any extra energy into finding any information on these individuals, but it is something to think about while on the toilet.

It appears that the MMJ site is officially dead. The new link would be Coleco Castle. I have no idea what it will be concerned with, but I can guarantee...no wait, I can't guarantee a thing.

The other week Jon received a list of hard to find videos from some movie colecting freak in Michigan. On this list was a TV show that he has sought after for quite some time now. The show is the live action Justice League from the late 70s. So without hesitation Jon placed his order for one copy of 2 Justice League tv shows. When the show arrived he promply brought it over so Will and I could view it, too. The show is absolutely, positively pure camp. Batman and Robin are portrayed by Adam West and Burt Ward respectively and the Riddler is played by Frank Gorshin. Now you have to remember this was 10 years after Batman was cancelled. Let me just say the tights were now tight. The rest of the characters were played by nobodys and hasbeens from the 50s. The show were hilarious. Adam West was excellent as usual with his wonderful dry wit and Frank Gorshin was funny as well. The show was funny mostly because of the idiotic things that the other characters would do. For example, Huntress sitting with her legs spread eagle for a whole show, Flash disapearing, and Green Lantern being fruity.


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Past Links of the Day

Friendly Fire


In the PSX2
=>Final Fantasy X

In the Dreamcast
=>Shenmue II

Weather: Yes I do plan on staying indoors all day.

Vol II - 5

Logan 5-Again