Xenodin 2002
What will the Japanese snack/candy industry come up with next... candy burgers. Yeah they are as good as they sound...candy burgers...mmm
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Playing Mario Kart Advance while on the toilet
I don't know what it is about the lighting in that room, but when I was playing Mario Kart on the toilet I discovered that the bathroom lighting was perfect. There was no nasty reflection, shadows, or any other negatives usually associated with the GBA. Although I don't know what your bathroom is like I would recommend turning the volume down on the 'ol GBA so passers-by don't realize that you can have fun doing your duty on the can. In fact I heard of a rumor that you can unlock the hidden chocolate factory on this version of Mario Kart.
February 2002
Proud to be Free
Vol II - 9
In the PSX2
Fantasy X
In the Dreamcast
Yes I do plan on staying inside all day.