Ron Perlman was in a baboon movie
it was called
"Primal Force"
No, he was NOT the baboon!
November 2001
Proud to be Free
apparently has not heard the bad news. Tracker has been canceled in
the Peoria area. Now if you want your fix of alien goodness you are
left with Roswell as your only other choice.
Shopping or Murder
This past week
a few of my buddies (Zell, Yuffie, Wedge and Biggs) and I decided to
go on a little jaunt in the neighborhood's forest, Red Laskoon
Forest. We were just going to be gone for a few hours so the group
packed a little food and off we went to explore. Once inside the
forest I started hearing strange sounds. These sounds were of an
animal I had never heard before. This meant of course our first
objective was to discover this creature. A little while after
beginning the search we were thrust into a battle with a monster. I
believe it was a Rabbite, but I am not sure. Armed with just sticks
(we had no idea we would be attacked) my team defeated the creature,
but not without casualty. During the surprise encounter the group
lost Wedge and Biggs. They were missed; well until we reached the
inn later on. Still hell-bent on finding this unknown animal the
group pressed on. After a short while we were thrust into another
unexpected scuffle with what I believe was a Cactaur. This battle
took a heavy toll on the expedition. We lost Zell and Yuffie. The
inn couldn't come soon enough. With my group in shambles I decide it
is time to give up our exploration and return to town and get to an
inn to heal some of my fallen comrades. On the way back out of the
darkened forest we were struck once again, from behind! The cads!
This was a battle I knew I could not win so immediately I announce
retreat and proceed to run. But what was this little voice I heard?
The voice that said "Can't Escape" this was a battle the
group was being forced to fight. Must have been the boss of the Red
Laskoon Forest, Bahamut. I tried. I jabbed I kicked I healed. What
did it get me? Nothing but dead. I ended up dying in that battle. So
this I ask of you why can't you runaway when you need to? I was
forced to go back to 3 days prior when I last posted an entry in my
diary err..journal.
Weather: Have you ever seen a woman leaving New York with a frog in her hand?
the Ban"
The controversial movie about baboons, ninja, and of course idols. This movie has been banned by Peta, Christian Coalition, and of course the general public.
What is Up?
People come up to me in public places, even if I don't know them. Why do they do this? I don't want to know them or want to touch them or even waste precious life time on them. Yet everyone of these cretans insist on latching on to some semblance of a higher being. I guess I really can't blame them. One question is always on their lips as they approach me, "Spare some change?". I don't know about you, but these idiots don't even tell me which change to spare. I mean do you want me to spare the check-out lady at Kroger's or do you want me to spare strip clubs on the waterfront? To you morons I say, get an objective, a goal, and then present it in a clear and concise manner and maybe I will be able to help you.
Teenage Lust
Vol I
- 06
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Xenodin 2001
When is it Safe to Runaway