merry FOL day

George Harrison

Xenodin 2001



Drowsy Please

The other day I was feeling a bit under the weather and decided to travel over to the neighborhood CVS and pick up a package of cold medicine. I arrive at the store and march to the rear of the store that contains such meds. Browsing the selection I came upon this realization, there are plenty of non-drowsy medications but no drowsy. I felt slighted. I wanted a pill that would konk me out within two minutes of downing it, but no. The responsible FDC suddenly thinks that everyone should be conscious when sick. Perturbed to say the least I decide upon a package of Tylenol that had no mention of non-drowsy hoping for the best. All I know is that after I took those pills the only thing I remember is waking up.

Frozen Death

Vol I - 09

Microsoft is giving away money let's hurry
Sega turns its back on Dreamcast owners
Shenmue II is XBOX only

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'Twas the Crap

Weather: He who has no Christmas in his heart will never find Christmas under a tree.

email me!MMJho ho ho

Strange Link of the Day

Robot Santa

Man uses xbox as coffee table

GAMECUBE doubles as paperweight

December 2001

Proud to be Free

santa....with muscles...nuff said

'Twas the crap before Christmas that entered my entertainment viewing and made me very sick. Okay you ask what holiday film could possibly be so horrible that it would repulse even Mario Lopez himself. Simply put, "Santa with Muscles". This feel good, steaming pile of crap served on a platter of dung is something everyone should watch so we, as Americans, can remember why we love freedom so much. The plot of the movie is as follows. A rich miser of a man, Hulk Hogan, born with muscles disguises himself in a department store as Santa. Then the fun begins. He befriends some kids and helps them with these two older losers that are picking on them. Those two older dudes are trying to Ionic the kid's house, but the miser Hogan learns it is far better to give than receive. In the end Hogan buys the family a new house, learns the meaning of Christmas, and totally beats up on a couple of dorks. This may or may not be the plot because I only saw the back of the box and have never actually seen the movie. Although I assume it really is what I describe it as being. So if you're family is in need of electric shock therapy or a brain transplant pick up this gem of a Hogan and enjoy!


Ask Santa!
Just in time for the holidays now you can tell Santa what you want for Christmas!
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