merry FOL day

email me!MMJho ho ho

Strange Link of the Day

Lego Cinema

I do this all year folks
Ron Perlman gets into the holiday spirit by donning a Santa hat and asking passers by for money...

Xenodin 2001

Weather: He who has no Christmas in his heart will never find Christmas under a tree.


Did you miss an issue? Click this link to view past articles. Past Issues

Ask Santa!
Just in time for the holidays now you can tell Santa what you want for Christmas!
Click here

After living for more than 2000 years in harmony Santa has officially declared war on the Easter Bunny. Reasons why are currently unkown at this time, but some believe it has to do with the Bunny sneaking into Santa's greenhouse and eating all of his "special herbs". The last skirmish these two had resulted in kids receiving scrambled eggs inside their stockings and then in Spring had Santa Feces hunts.

Frozen Death

Vol I - 10

Santa is a Big Drunk

"Okay, give it to me straight", said the doctor peering over his spectacles at my sunken form taking hold on his midnight black couch. "Alright Doc, he's a drunk. Santa, he's a drunk, I just can't believe it. There I was minding my own business telling the big man what I wanted and suddenly without warning he shoved me off his lap and grabbed a bottle of whiskey. He then proceeded to finish off the bottle after that, beginning to curse, so I ran, I ran so far away!" This was what I had been holding inside me for these past few hours where my life has been threatened, I have been beaten, and also denied for that home loan. All because I wasn't going to tell the Elves what I had seen. The Doc, He was the only one I could trust now. He was the only one that could make sense out of this mess. He could help me, I knew it. "So Doc", trying to catch my breath, "what do you think is the reason." The Doc just sat there. He rubbed the curly tuft of gray hair that formed a goatee on his chin. All the while staring at the pale white ceiling mumbling to himself. My patience was wearing through. The past day has been a nightmare enacted and I needed an answer now. "DOC Tell ME! What does it MEAN!", screaming at the top of my winded lungs hoping to hurry of the brainiacs thought process. After a few seconds he stuttered, " I know! I know the reason! The explanation is that he..". And before he could finish this sentence a bullet whizzed through the window slicing the pane ever so neatly gently scattering shards of glass on the floor before finding its final resting place, Doc's head. I rushed to the window to see who it was, but noone was in sight. I return to Doc, slumped in his chair. Grasping his still warm head in my cold trembling hands I rest my forehead on his. The past day the reasons why, the reasons everyone wants me, got my friend Doc killed. Doc knew the reason and now he takes it to his grave. I only hope I discover the reason before the Elves discover me.

Microsoft is giving away money let's hurry
Sega turns its back on Dreamcast owners
Shenmue II is XBOX only

December 2001

Proud to be Free

Man forgets his name and information on deathbed

