G4 Junkie...
Ed Note: This is just a quick post, I will have
pics later...
I am slowly realizing that all the warning signs are being displayed and I
am quite possibly becoming a G4 junkie. I spend my weekends watching
Bill Sindelar, Cheat, Judgement Day, Diane, Geoff and Game On.
Although, I still avoid Portal at all costs, that show is creepy with a
'q'. I patiently wait through the week marking my calendar counting
down to my date with Starcade. What do I eat during this lapse in
gaming-tv-goodness? PRINGLES!!!!!! While eating the pringles I
work on fanfics covering the hosts' side-quests of my favorite shows.
For example, one of my favorites is when Geoff Edwards reveals himself as
the Dark Lord of G4, controlling all of the video game industry.
Then out of nowhere a hero appears, Matt Galant (only if Animal Planet and
DirecTV let him). All the while I sit in front of the mirror
attempting to turn my head as smoothly and quick as Sindelar or power up
my MAME32 recreating my favorite episodes of Starcade.
Worst of all I put my homework and tests into top10 lists and
spontaneously burst out, "Cheat, Pringles Gamers Guide". Well at
least I don't wear cover-alls and attempt to make Everquest into a show,
that's freaky with a 'q'.
in stores the 21st of Thermidore
featuring the hit: "Anti-Space Imperialism (a song
for the front row)"
w/finger snaps by Michael Jackson
"colonize planet soil faraway
used it all here took more than you gave
dried it dammed it forced them with a poisoned promise
silver spoon-fed the lies and now forced to colonize
view the spaces fill in fast
everything you built isn't going to last
rose petal words fall with thorns on these ears
leaving your chosen to dig your gold in tears
while you leave to find new lives
out of time out of space you go to imperialize
so in the front row we all see what goes on up close
loud bursts bust drums in ears bleeding from the nose
gold and silver born from our hands
empty homes of barren lives in dry wasted lands
so in the front row we build your lives
put generations in chains allowing you to colonize
So in the front row nothing changes if it stays the same
jumping off the conveyor we raise the flag of freedom high
the pole embedded in backs of all who died
shouting leave this space leave us alone
let us be and leave this gone
we're done building better lives
while you continue to colonize"
nooks crannies everyplace
turn into overflowing space
rub shoulders in the street
with razor tongues lashing your backs
flooding the road is bipedal rats
drearily dying in the lifeless concrete
all ideas are resurrected and dull
stolen from better times before
lands are raped and full of a copied head
nothing new no going before you're dead
So crown me with the hope and dreams of a future time
whisper promises which drape and cover my eyes
blurring my vision and sweetly telling poison lies
space I cry is what i need space is where i'll go i whine
space will free the chains of memory
finally i will live without burden, i'll finally be free
looking up at tiny lights
hurl insults and pleas to be somewhere else tonight
to be with someone else on nights
like this where cold head freeze words
while memories rip and tatter
thoughts slip from my lips fall and shatter
millions of pieces litter lonely on the floor
always ideas of what could have been remain unknown
so here i am again
always ending events the same
nights of leaving you
morning rots my soul all through
later realization smacks my brain
always ending up here always the same
So throne me with all I’ve dreamt and
time I cry is what I need you is who I love I’ve always known
time will free the chains of history time will burn the awful memory
finally I will live in space without pain from words finally I’ll be free"
These and many many many more tracks will change the world scene!
Pick up your copy, because it won't be found online! Do you want to
be the only person in the hospital without your special padded cd case?
This album is the grand finale in the project known as Beverly Hills
Wharf. The last act in what has been one crazy year will end with a
life-changing album release. In special copies there will be a
videocassette of the first HarryMan episode, which has been digitally
re-mastered to optimize sound performance.
Why not look at, Star Wars
Pepsi: A Final Journey
With Watto
"To all this grand old scheme of things
To all the pain it brings
To all those who pull the strings
I bid good riddance"
go look at some:
Past Issues