Xenodin's Report Card on Illinois' Mysterious Creatures! LQQK
RaRe !!
First on the agenda is the wonderful flying monster witnesses have dubbed,
the Thunderbird! This name just strikes fear in the hearts of
children. Unfortunately I haven't been privy to viewing such a
magnificent beast, although following is a real eyewitness report.
Let's read...
-->keep a close eye on your piggies, the
thunderbirds are here
by Howard "the How" Simpkins
location: Canton 10/19/2001
This was a normal day wasn't it. At least that is what I kept
telling myself, after seeing the flying beast swoop down from the air and
nab my neighbor's pig. The bird was gigantic, it was all black
except for a stripe around its neck. The wingspan was bigger than I
had ever seen before on a bird. Even when I was in the locker room
at French Lick High School
initiating Larry into the 'brotherhood.' The wingspan on this
creature was easily 15-20 ft and the body, dear lord that body...can't
think of Larry like that...the thunderbird was at least 20 ft long or
around 6ft long. The talons on this creature were sharp enough to
rip apart a cd wrapper, prescription bottle caps, and the little piggie
going to market. That poor little piggy never went wee wee wee home.
The winged monster dove in on top of the pig without a sound. In the
blink of an eye the thunderbird was on its way back to feast on the
delicious meal. In fact the bird was so fast if I hadn't been at the
window watching my neighbor
undress, I wouldn't have ever seen or heard the creature.
Unfortunately I was unable to snap any pictures of this thunderbird,
because I was all out of film by that time. However I was able to
grab a pencil and paper to quickly transfer what I saw in the form of a
sketch. Enjoy and may this help in the proving of such beasts
existing. You can believe me or not, but I know what I saw from my
window a gigantic bird capturing a pig.
Wow. Doesn't that story just prove those non-believers wrong?
Not in my opinion, but that is not what I am here to report on. I am
to give this myth a grade.
Creature Grade: C-
C'mon this is a giant bird which snaps up pigs from unsuspecting farmers,
how exciting is that story to tell over and over again. Not very
exciting. I know there were a couple cases where it supposedly tried
to lift off kids, but those are too small of a number to boost this sorry
legend past a 'c'. Also, this is most likely a run-in with a turkey
vulture from individuals with a booze infected memory.
Next time, the Big Cats of Illinois--Panthers!!!!
Why not look at, Star Wars
Pepsi: A Final Journey
With Watto
"To all this grand old scheme of things
To all the pain it brings
To all those who pull the strings
I bid good riddance"
go look at some:
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