merry FOL day


this is waaay cooool
"Zidane and Dagger" Amano


November 2001

Proud to be Free

the ape-man prof bobo

Professor Bobo

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Ask Bobo


Enter the day of dead turkeys on parade. The day to give thanks. I wonder what the turkey is thankful for or how about the homeless guy on the street. What are these individuals thankful for? I mean the turkey is about to die a horrible death to feed the gluttony of America, but the homeless guy, his life is crap. He wakes up rummages through garbage, begs for money, and then goes to sleep under a bridge. What possibly could he be thankful for. I propose that these homeless people be banned from Thanksgiving. Their life is a joke and are thankful for nothing. This is a holiday for people that are thankful and I am thankful I am not homeless. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to eat my turkey.

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MMJho ho ho

Xenodin 2001

not your dad's santa claus

Weather: A rich man's joke is always funny.
-Thomas Edward Brown

Dead of Night

Vol I - 07

Wallpaper of the Day

Double Impact

Just say NO.....please

Another year, another Thanksgiving. What is the one item that festive Americans must have on this day or go beserk? Give up. Turkey; the calm, cuddly, and cute fowl. This lovable creature is taken from his home and forced to feed you opulent fat cats one day out of the year! This year I would love it if you and your fellow Americans eat a tofu turkey, soy turkey, or even duck. Just this one year please spare the turkey, please.
-Tom Turkey

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Festival of Lights

This weekend is the East Peoria Festival of Lights. This year as always the weather should be cold, rainy, and dark.