merry FOL day

we had a super-glue accident please helpthis is a picture of Dark Shadows "1991" with that guy from Pretender. Also in that show was Adrian Paul. Oh yeah, Adrian's show was canceled! MWHAHAHA loser


November 2001

Proud to be Free

the ape-man prof bobo

Professor Bobo

Read "the Prof's" newest column exclusively on Xenodin!
Go to:
Ask Bobo


Wallpaper of the Day

Double Impact

Scariest Link of the Day

Tienzel's Coronation Forest

Did you miss an issue? Click this link to view past articles. Past Issues

Weather: When we ask advice we are usually looking for an accomplice-M. de Lagrange


I was walking down the street and was suddenly pulled inside a large cube shaped white building. When inside an elderly gent asked me if I could help out with some deliveries. Deliveries, I thought, like the ones I do for a living. Why not, it was my day off. So I agree to the gray man's wishes. I sign in, using an alias of course. You can never be too sure about these outfits. They could be Govt. After a few moments of waiting I eye a table filled with pastries and coffee. I saunter over and browse the selection. It seems like the only available edible item was a glaze and a cup of joe. I turn to walk back to my seat and sitting on it was a man that thought rags were in this season. I hurridly shoo him off with a wave of my napkin. I sat down it reeked of Colt 45 and Cheetos. I switch chairs. After a few minutes and a glaze later the loud speaker calls my name. I excitedly stand up and walk toward the counter with a group of perky collegiates. They give me a list of names and addresses. I look it over. I know this neighborhood so I agree. Then they give me the shipment. I grabbed it and rushed to my car. I peeked inside the white styrofoam packages. It was just turkey dinner! What a waste so I return to my place with 7 free turkey dinners. That should hold me over for awhile. If they find out I didn't deliver the shipment I am sure they will call my alias, Ron Perlman.

Holiday Viewing

or maybe not

Today is the annual protest by turkeys. Of course these are the wild turkeys who live free in the wild; unlike the commercial turkeys that live in 2" X 3" cages their entire life. They hope to raise awareness to the plight of their brethern locked away. One success has come of this. This year the President pardoned a turkey to live on a farm for the rest of its life....and I thought George was busy with some sort of war.

gobble gobble gobble you fat American Bastards!!
click here to see how this protest ended

not your father's santa claus

Ask Santa!
Just in time for the holidays now you can tell Santa what you want for Christmas!
Click here

Festival of Lights

This weekend is the East Peoria Festival of Lights. This year as always the weather should be cold, rainy, and dark.

this is waaay cooool
"Zidane and Dagger" Amano

Xenodin 2001

email me!MMJho ho ho

Atomic Soda

Vol I - 08

Turkey Protest!